Transfer Students

Transfer Admission

  • 维滕贝格欢迎转学生使用维滕贝格申请或通用申请申请入学
  • 申请人的累积平均成绩必须不低于2分.0对4.0级,必须有良好的学术和社会地位.
  • There is a 94-credit-hour limit to courses/hours transferable; 50 percent of the semester-hour credits for all coursework in the major must be completed while in residence at Wittenberg.
  • 招生委员会可以考虑与学生的学术或社会地位有关的不寻常的减轻情节. 与这些事项有关的资料必须以书面形式提出.
  • 所有转学入学材料必须在学期第一天上课前的周三之前收到. 招生办公室将考虑特殊的减轻情节.

Transfer Checklist

STEP 1: Complete either the Wittenberg Transfer Application 或者是 Common Application:

Wittenberg Transfer Application       Common Application

STEP 2: Submit the following:

  1. Final High School Transcript
  2. Official College Transcript
    提交你上过的所有大学的成绩单,包括所有CCP学分. If you have less than a semester of college work, 你可以在申请时提交一份非正式成绩单, 但是在你被允许进入校园或开始上课之前,你需要提交一份正式的大学成绩单.
  3. ACT or SAT Scores - 可选
    We are a fully test 可选 university.


Request your Transfer Conduct Report by entering the email addresses for yourself, and the Dean of Students from each institution, 然后在表格发送到您的电子邮件后完成转学行为报告.  如果你上过不止一所大学,你需要多次填写此表格. 你不需要完成一份只有CCP课程的大学.

Transfer Conduct Report Submission Deadlines:

  • Fall Semester Entrance Term: August 1
  • 春季学期入学时间:开课前的周三

如果在截止日期前未收到转学行为报告, 该学生将被退学.  If a conduct report is submitted, and is declined by Wittenberg’s Dean of Students, 该学生将被撤销其注册课程,其入学资格将被撤销.


Submit the FAFSA for your appropriate starting term. Be sure to designate Wittenberg University, Title IV code 003143 as a recipient of the analysis. There is no fee associated with this application.

Additional Steps

If you are a current college athlete, 请务必与您当前的机构合作,完成NCAA转学入学的文书工作.

Transferring Credits

There are specific guidelines for transferring credits to Wittenberg University. If you are coming from a community college, 我们为该地区的一些社区学院制定了等效转学指南.

Transfer Equivalency Information

Transfer Merit Scholarships

维滕贝格致力于使它负担得起完成你的学位. 这一承诺的一部分包括为我们的转学生颁发优异奖. 所有转学优异奖最多可更新三年.

ScholarshipRequirementsAmount (/year)
Wittenberg Platinum Transfer Award4.0的绩点$30,000
Wittenberg Gold Transfer Award3.5-3.99年平均绩点$27,000
Wittenberg Silver Transfer Award3.0-3.49个绩点$25,000
Wittenberg Bronze Transfer Award下3.0的绩点 *$23,000

*以上列出的GPA是基于累积大学GPA, 如果学生完成了至少两个完整学期的大学课程. 完成大学课程少于两个学期者, 学生的高中和大学gpa将被综合考虑,以确定优等生奖. Students with a cumulative college GPA below 3.0 will be reviewed by the Admission Committee, 并将包括对他们高中成绩单的审查. 以上列出的任何奖学金的颁发都有可能发生变化, 基于学生大学和高中gpa的综合考虑, when applicable.


Eligibility for Special Awards

  • Special Interest Awards: Transfer students are eligible to apply for, and receive, Special Interest Awards, 如果奖学金申请在特殊兴趣奖截止日期前收到,并且学生有秋季入学学期.
  • Fine 艺术 Scholarships: Transfer students are eligible to apply for, and receive, Fine 艺术 Awards, 如果他们按照这些奖项的时间表申请和试镜. 在面试截止日期之外颁发奖学金需要获得入学办公室的特别许可, Financial 援助, and the department chair.

Phi Theta Kappa Award ($2,000)

该奖学金提供十大体育博彩平台Phi Theta Kappa的成员,并保持良好学术成绩的转校生. Phi Theta Kappa奖学金将在学生获得的威滕贝格奖学金之外颁发. 学生必须提供PTK会员证书复印件,才有资格获得此奖项.

Financial 援助

每年,维滕贝格以学术奖学金和助学金的形式提供超过3500万美元的资助. More than 98% of Wittenberg students receive financial aid or a scholarship. 基于需求的经济援助包括助学金、贷款和勤工俭学.

Campus 体育博彩s

看看维滕伯格是否适合你, we encourage you to visit our campus, 被评为美国最美的城市之一. During your time with us, 我们想让你认识一下这个地方背后的人,他们让维滕贝格变得特别, and to explore your academic and career interests.

For transfer students, 典型的体育博彩包括与转学协调员的面试和校园参观. 如果您愿意,我们很乐意为您安排班级参观以及与教授和教练的预约.

Schedule Your 体育博彩

Questions about transferring?

Contact the Office of Admission at or 877-206-0332.

所有正式从高中毕业然后进入大学课程的学生都被认为是转校生. 学生不能选择不成为转学生. 所有转学生在获得经济援助包之前都要通过经济援助信息中心进行检查.
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