
Students from around the world choose to continue their education at Wittenberg University.

他们来到斯普林菲尔德, 俄亥俄州, 来自世界的每一个角落, and they enrich the campus community by sharing their perspectives, 他们的文化, 他们的语言, and their passion for learning about their American college home. These are some of their comments about life at Wittenberg.

瞪羚鲁达库巴纳和朋友Gazelle Rudakubana '25

"Being away from home was really challenging but to be honest, so worth it. Wittenberg gave me room for growth and I definitely appreciate it. There is so much activities happening on campus that will allow you to make friends and learn about the country."




"Hi! 我是黛西黄,来自台湾. I was a Fulbright scholar as a Chinese teaching assistant my first year at Wittenberg. The reason why I returned as a student was that I wanted to improve my English, 所以我以大三学生的身份回来了. 作为一个国际学生, 要找到一个适合自己的群体并不容易, 所以“归属感”对我来说非常重要, and that’s also the reason I chose to stay at Wittenberg. Here, I have found friends with whom I can grow and learn from each other. 我还找到了我可以尊敬的教授. Wittenberg is a small campus, so the relationships between professors and students are very 关闭. 他们可以像朋友一样和你在一起, but they also can give you helpful advice like life mentors. I’m very glad that Wittenberg chose me as a Fulbright scholar and accepted me as a student!"


"Don't worry about all the new experiences you are about to have. 参与, 认识很多不同的人, talk to someone whenever you feel homesick or concerned, 并使用维滕贝格提供的所有好的资源." 了解更多


俊介在看骑士的比赛Kirita Shunsuke '18

“我通过篮球交了很多朋友. I was worried if i could communicate with people and make friends before coming to America. Language barriers don’t matter anymore and sports bring people together."


"I believe Witt is an eye 开放ing experience and a huge bridge to the next chapter of my life."



To find a place for academics, for sports, or for socializing? 维滕贝格是一个选择. 我喜欢我遇到的教授, 我注意到的运动精神, 我的寄宿家庭, 还有我在这里结交的朋友. Although Wittenberg is a small university, professors can take care of all students in their classes. The students are united firmly and the people are friendly. 住在美国是非常令人兴奋的!”

St. 安德鲁女子高中

远离家乡(牙买加), the Wittenberg community has welcomed me with 开放 arms and has embraced me as one of their own. 我刚来这里的时候, 我不确定该走哪条职业道路, but Wittenberg provided me with an advisor who directed me to becoming a management major, 我将永远感激你. 作为一个非常互动的校园, I was able to get involved with various clubs and societies and I am currently the vice president of the American International Association, which acts as a medium for internationals and Americans to interact. I have truly enjoyed my time here at Witt and have never one day thought that I made a bad decision. 去威特!!!

Eshini PanditharatnaEshini Panditharatna '10

My two-year experience at Wittenberg although short has made me grow above and beyond, 学术上和个人上. 建立关系的资源是无穷无尽的, as a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major I have enjoyed pursuing research with my 教师 advisor and my clinical internships with health organizations. 社会, there are numerous opportunities to get involved because of the diversity of organizations on campus. 我的寄宿家庭, 教师, staff and friends have always been there to lend a helping hand and I was amazed by the care and interest most of them show towards the students. 我找到了一个远离家乡的家. The Wittenberg community is extremely warm and welcoming and I feel very fortunate to be a part of it.

Manas " Manny " Mudbari '12
St. 泽维尔的学校

I always feared staying away from my family and studying abroad was even more intimidating. Thinking about the cultural differences and lifestyles that I was not used to made this even worse. 然而, 来到维滕贝格之后, my fears of cultural shock vanished as staff members and students at Wittenberg accepted me as a part of their family. The professors and staff members are always ready to help me with my academic pursuit, 甚至在教室外. 我现在并将永远为成为威特的一员而自豪.

克里斯蒂娜·雷卡尔德(Cristina Recalde), 2008年

在维滕贝格,我找到了一个我自豪地称之为家的地方. 嗯,家外之家. 我在这里找到了一个家庭. In many occasions my professors or Wittenberg staff has given me the support and affection of a parent. 至于兄弟姐妹, 我找到了最棒的朋友, who have been there for me when I live next door or have traveled miles away. We have created a bond that I believe can never be broken. 从社团活动到课堂再到体育比赛, there's always something to do and I always feel at home: comfortable and happy. 作为维滕贝格的学生让我感到自豪. 为这所大学感到骄傲, 校园里, 这个社区的成员, and mostly because it has helped me grow and become who I am. 我是威滕贝格虎.

Mai Trinh '09

At Wittenberg , you'll have the opportunity to pursue your interests to your heart's content. I find myself being perfectly happy with my triple majors, 大量的课外活动, and still have plenty of time to spend with my great friends!


Nimesh Vaya, 08年

I feel the Wittenberg Management Department provides a firm base to grow as a businessman and also as a competitive person. The professors blend in their real life practical experiences to help us better understand important concepts. Outside the classroom, the professors are like family willing to help you in both life and academics.


Hi! 我是Louise Yuru Niu. I enjoy my life in Wittenberg because there are many nice people I have met and lots of interesting things to do here. 维滕贝格也是一个学习的好地方. There are many great professors here and the classes are very interesting. In addition, I really appreciate that I am paired with a wonderful host family through Wittenberg. 我在这里从不感到孤独. 我喜欢我在维滕贝格的生活!

